Stay & Play (Incorporates a MUSIC SPEAKS SESSION)
- Tuesday mornings 9-11.30am (term time only) at The Vallis Community Room, Vallis First School, Milk Street, Frome. Bring your toddlers along to play at this drop in session. Craft, singing, stories and fun! Contact 01373 467473, email, or just drop in.
Tiddlers - NCT
- Drop in Baby and Toddler Group with craft table, baby area, toys and snack. Tuesday mornings 10-11.30 (term time only) at the Scout Hut on Welshmill, Frome. £2 per family, includes refreshments. Age 0-preschool.
Baby Boogie Rhyme Time (up to 1 year)
- 11-11.30 at Frome Library (free).
Young Parents Group & Antenatal Clinic
- Tuesday afternoons 12.30-3pm (term time only) at The Bridge Childrens Centre, Wyville Road, Frome. If you are pregnant, a young mum or dad drop in to this friendly informal group. Activities for the children and lunch provided. Contact 01373 467473, email, or just drop in.
Baby Spirals
- Baby group 0-1 or when confident walking. 1-2.30pm, term time only at The Key Centre, Feltham Lane, Frome. Free, but does get busy. Lots of toys and singing and tea or coffee for parents. Drop in, email or call the Key Centre on 01373 453371.
Jackdaws Songbirds
- Friendly, informal singing group for adults; babies and preschool children welcome. Meeting weekly during term time on Tuesdays from 1.30pm- 2.45pm at St Catherine’s church hall, Park Road, Frome. No auditions or previous experience are required, and the first session is free. Toys are provided, and there are songs for the children at the end. For more information, call Caroline Radcliffe on 01373 474200 or email her.
Frome Autistic Support Team
- Meets last Tuesday of every month 12.30-2:30pm (term time only) at The Bridge Childrens Centre, Wyville Road, Frome. Drop in for parents with babies under 18 months old. Stay & Play and singing for babies. Health visitor present 2nd & 4th Monday each month. Contact Sarah 07977 913339, email, or just drop in.