Traditional acupuncture is based on ancient healthcare principles that date back nearly two thousand years. Acupuncture aims to restore equilibrium to the body when it has become out of balance, which can manifest as pain and illness. Acupuncturists insert extremely thin sterile needles into specific acupuncture points with the aim of restoring the free flow of the body's energy ('qi') and therefore restoring balance and triggering the body's natural healing response.
More information can be found at the British Acupuncture Council.
More information can be found at the British Acupuncture Council.
Martin John
BHSc (CM), BSc Hons (Env), Lic Ac., MRCHM
Martin is a Registered Practitioner of Chinese Medicine working within the Frome and N.E. Somerset area. He qualified with a double degree level (BHSc) in both Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine from the Southern School of Natural Therapies in Melbourne, Australia, which has one of the highest standards for Chinese Medicine qualifications and practice in the West. Following practice in Australia as a member of the Chinese Medicine Registration Board (CMRB) of Victoria, he recently relocated back to the UK. He currently sits on the council of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM), which regulates Chinese Medicine Herbalists in the UK. As such, members adhere to a strict code of practice and ethics that helps ensure the highest standards of care and professionalism within the industry.
As part of his extensive training he has studied many areas of western medicine including clinical anatomy & physiology, clinical diagnosis, pharmacology, counselling & psychology. He has served clinical internships with Tran Nga of Eastern Medicine, and Steven Clavey, a world renowned specialist in the field of fertility and gynaecology in Chinese Medicine. He has also worked in Community Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation and in support organisations for patients living with HIV.
Element Healthcare have a clinic in Frome:
Element Healthcare, Turnpike House, 18 Bridge St, Frome BA11 1BB
Telephone: 07766 853357 or email.
Tuesday 9.00 - 17.00
Friday: 9.00 - 17.00
Parking available
Becky Lovell-Newman
Becky gained her Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in Acupuncture from Kingston University in 2007, taught through The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. She has been working in Frome since 2010 and also has a clinic at Elm Hayes Surgery in Paulton. In addition she has undertaken voluntary work supporting people with life threatening illness at Dorothy House in Winsley.
She is a member of The British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC), the main regulatory body for acupuncturists in the UK. BAcC registered Acupuncturists follow stringent practice standards and are required to regularly update their skills by following a programme of continuing professional development.
Beckys' clinic in a listed former bakery on Church Street in the centre of Frome is friendly and welcoming with an emphasis on individualised care and personal service. She has a wide range of experience with many different conditions and a special interest in acupuncture during pregnancy. Becky can offer a flexible range of appointments and runs a reduced cost clinic on Tuesdays.
Becky is always happy to discuss any questions you may have about acupuncture just get in touch on 07896 341 804 or email her.
Becky gained her Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in Acupuncture from Kingston University in 2007, taught through The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. She has been working in Frome since 2010 and also has a clinic at Elm Hayes Surgery in Paulton. In addition she has undertaken voluntary work supporting people with life threatening illness at Dorothy House in Winsley.
She is a member of The British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC), the main regulatory body for acupuncturists in the UK. BAcC registered Acupuncturists follow stringent practice standards and are required to regularly update their skills by following a programme of continuing professional development.
Beckys' clinic in a listed former bakery on Church Street in the centre of Frome is friendly and welcoming with an emphasis on individualised care and personal service. She has a wide range of experience with many different conditions and a special interest in acupuncture during pregnancy. Becky can offer a flexible range of appointments and runs a reduced cost clinic on Tuesdays.
Becky is always happy to discuss any questions you may have about acupuncture just get in touch on 07896 341 804 or email her.
Daniel Maxwell
M.Sc., M.A., Lic.Ac., MBAcC, MRCHM
After completing an MA in English and Italian Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge University, Daniel went on to train in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese massage in both the UK and China. With over 18 years clinical experience, Daniel now works at the Natural Health Centre (Frome), Stillpoint (Bath) and the London Acupuncture Clinic (London).
He specialises in the treatment of male and female infertility, gynaecological problems, insomnia, gastrointestinal complaints and paediatric acupuncture. He is also the editor of The Journal of Chinese Medicine, the foremost international English language journal on all aspects of Chinese Medicine) and chairs the British Acupuncture Council Editorial Committee. In 2004 he founded the charity World Medicine (, which facilitates acupuncturists and other CAM practitioners travelling around the world to where their skills are desperately needed. Daniel lectures on acupuncture and Chinese medicine in London, and is an enthusiastic practitioner of the Chinese martial arts, qigong and meditation.
- Over 18 years clinical experience
- Over 7 years of training in traditional Chinese medicine
- Graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine and the University of Westminster
- Practitioner of intelligent, integrated medicine – utilising the best of traditional and modern medical knowledge
- Lecturer, editor and published author
- Qualified Life Coach
- Member of the British Acupuncture Council and the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine
For more information, see his website at:, email him or call on 07946 390212.